Saturday, 19 April 2014

For These Words are True

and He said to me,
"write this down for these words are true"
Free and unencumbered access to public media has sensitized people to the exhaustive criminality beleaguering Ukraine's peace, sovereignty and security. Their desire to rid Ukraine of a domestic criminal regime has spilled the beans on a global tectonic crisis. The truth of the matter is that the tentacles of a parasitic fungus has, for centuries, drawn the lifeblood of Ukraine's prosperity, leaving her beleaguered and vulnerable. How is it possible to keep a steady, balanced hand and maintain equilibrium given these circumstances?
ivanna ososkalo

The ancestors sensed a great emotional vertigo was upon the Ukrainian people, and in their wisdom, conveyed subtle but powerful antidotes for their healing. There is Great Wisdom to be shared in community! Like public servants, teachers, nurses, construction workers, and labourers we all have a vested interest!  Where ignorance abounds, heinous evil can lurk - a spiritually exhausting fraud!

the wheel of truth -
 the "Alpha and Omega"
Everything, however is relationally connected in circles, swirls, triangles, crosses and ...they are the beautiful symbols we cherish in paska, babka, pysanky and every other art form of traditional Ukrainian culture.

the wheel of Peace in the world
touches everyone
The ancients left signs of their wisdom, everywhere, and their aim is true!

Pressure, darkness, exhaustion, isolation, ignorance, and the long, cold, dark winter may soon be over!  The weak remnants of darkness will fade,  and long anticipated Spring of Hope will bring Bright Resurrection into every dark corner!

the unblinking eyes of honesty,
"All seeing"
May the Resurrection bring peace, here and everywhere!  Happy Paska! Khrystos Voskres!

Friday, 4 April 2014

New Times

I have been paying attention to the international press about the situation in Ukraine, as have many other millions of people.  In fact, I was startled to discover there are actually 20 million people identifying as Ukrainians in the diaspora! Astounding, there are actually people on islands of the Pacific, living under another political jurisdiction, identifying as Ukrainians there too!  Imagine churches, clubs, organizations, dancers, ......everywhere!  The diaspora is a very interesting phenomenon!

Whether one assimilates quickly or slowly in the diaspora, a lot of people have close ancestral ties to their homeland.  Caring, hoping, and contributing in very small ways to the efforts for Ukraine's wellbeing, there are thousands of places where Ukrainians gather for community - outside of the homeland borders! Astounding!

Sadly, here in my community, when the most recent events started unfolding in Ukraine, there were people who were "of another opinion". What other opinion?  Imagine, people living with freedoms, rights, privileges guaranteed by their new homelands, in the embrace of a democratic, sovereign state, presented with economic opportunity for all, being of "another opinion" on the status of Ukraine! Imagine those who would not extend a prayer or stand in principle because of "another opinion".  Quite frankly, I have been quietly incensed!  And I don't mean in a holy way!

The generations of people who escaped the clutches of totalitarian states, choosing dignity, freedom and opportunity for their offspring, all dreamed of a time when their homeland would attain these cherished prizes too. Ukrainian churches, institutions, organizations, foundations, choirs, drama groups, dance troupes, Ukrainian schools, scouts, youth groups, community connections and personal relationships create opportunities of embrace, with the smells, tastes, sounds, textures, of "home".  They all flourish out of an idea  - the beautiful idea that justice and truth should always prevail, that the torch of freedom is raised for all!

Twenty million people of Ukrainian ancestry in the diaspora - and about 46 million in Ukraine?  Does that mean one third of all Ukrainians have left the country for better opportunities elsewhere!  What does that say about roots and wings?  New Times indeed.