For a lot of Ukrainian Calgarians there has always been a desire to know what the politial situation is in Ukraine after the enthusiasm and expectations of Independence some 20 years ago. The Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Association of Calgary regularly has guest speakers at their monthly meetings, and this week Oleh Havrylyshyn is speaking. "Quo Vadis Ucraina? (Kamo Griadeshi, Ukraino?)" will be discussed this Thursday, May 31, 2012 at the Danish Canadian Club, Valhalla Ballroom at 727 - 11th Avenue SW Calgary.
what positive results has Ukraine achieved economically, politically, historically?
why has it fallen behind other post-communist countries, especially in Central Europe?
what harm has oligarch dominance done, and can Ukraine overcome this ?
what are the key reforms /changes needed to correct its wayward path?
for the future, in answer to the ancient Slavonic question, “kamo griadeshi, Ukraino?" -- is the path towards the EU, a new Russian sphere, or a third unknown scenario?
Dr. Oleh Havrylyshyn has had a long and distinguished academic career as a Professor of Economics in leading universities in Canada, the U.S. and Europe, and has been a consultant to various governments, the World Bank, and other international agencies.
You can contact UCPBA of Calgary at
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