Monday, 11 June 2012

Calgary Visit of Ukrainian Male Chorus of Edmonton

at Mukachevo, Ukraine -
A few weeks ago I was speaking with Orest Soltykevych of Edmonton, and he surprised me with the news that the UKRAINIAN MALE CHORUS OF EDMONTON is coming to sing in Calgary this month.  What lovely news! 

I just love the sound of male voices, especially singing together!  The liturgical music of the Ukrainian tradition is so moving.  Prayerful, deep, rich, resonant sounds - the enveloping sounds that make my spirit remember the hopes and dreams of my ancestors.  The sound of Hospodi pomiluj!  touches my heart in a way no other prayer does. 

Orest said that the choir has decided to take the opportunity to promote the Ukrainian choral tradition by touring various centres in Western Canada. 

They are coming to Calgary to sing the responses to the Divine Liturgy, on Sunday, June 24 at St. Vladimir’s Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation at 404 Meredith Road NE.

I sincerely hope you will come and participate in the worship service! 

Remember to mark this date on your calendar - come for the prayer and worship together. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info. They are a wonderful group. Looking forward to hearing them!


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