Sunday, 9 September 2012

Soyuz Ukrainok Kanadi - UWAC-Calgary
Calgary's Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada is celebrating its 80 anniversary!  Since before 1932-33 UWAC Calgary has been an essential partner in service at St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Congregation, but oh, so much more.  Through their community work,  the women of UWAC have helped celebrate Ukrainian culture here in Calgary, share it with fellow Canadians, and promote the Ukrainian idea to many generations. 

Viewing the amazingly organized UWAC Calgary Archives, one can appreciate the lively and stimulating core of activity in UWAC Calgary over these 80 plus years. And UWAC Calgary is continuing to develop its enduring legacy.  Honoring this special anniversary, UWAC Calgary has initiated an innovative social media project by which to capture these rich and diverse perspectives.

Images of UWAC Calgary, its relationships in Calgary, its Ukrainian community, and its spiritual home at St. Vladimir's Congregation capture part of the story.  However a picture tells a thousand words - or perhaps more.  And though each image tells an exciting chapter, and each chapter contains multiple characters, and each character has a point of view, these stories are yet to be written. 

Calgary's Soyuzianky encourage you to visit the website, view the images, and comment, contribute stories, memories, anecdotes connected with the images.  Visit often as the site develops over time.  Take the opportunity to "flesh out" the background story, the laughter, tears, faith, love and friendships! 

So many stories to tell, and little opportunity?  Welcome to an innovative collaboration in writing the story of Calgary's Soyuz Ukrainok Kanadi.

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