Thursday, 27 December 2012

Calgary Christmas Carolling - Koliada

Christmas carolling on the prairies - fond reminiscences.
Наталія та Роман Юсипчук

Uncles and aunties, piling up in the ice-covered truck, jovial and amused.  Driving through snowdrifts, and icy popsickle toes from the bitter arctic cold.  Daring to venture out in these conditions was a purpose driven mission in those days! 

Stopping in one farmhouse after the other, booming voices in loud fanfares of mirth, traditional greetings followed by ancient sacred hymns, blissfully sharing the Good News!  Tables heavily laden with a big-hearted spread of seasonal goodies, food and drink to warm the spirit, and ruddy red, frost bitten faces of old and young, such a warm embrace of appreciation!

Stranded on the Canadian prairies quarter sections distance from each other,  Ukrainian pioneers thirsted for companionship.  Who are we kidding?  We all thirst for companionship, especially through these dark cold winter days.  Retail therapy only goes so far to fill the void. 

Perhaps it is your turn this season to fill someone else's bucket with a drop of human kindness.  Grab the Christmas carol book, two or three people who can hold a tune -or not, and venture out - your purpose driven mission calls!

Ой Коляда! Колядниця!
Добра, з медом паляниця!
А без меду не така!
Дайте, Дядьку, п'ятака!

Зі Святами Різдва, та з Новим Роком!
Христос ся Рождає!

1 comment:

  1. Loved this post! It really reflects what koliada is about.


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