Saturday 15 December 2012

Remembrance, Analysis and Problem Solving

What are you hungry for?  Most of us have simple needs.  We need to belong. So where is the meeting place in Calgary for Ukrainians seeking belonging?

Calgary's Ukrainian churches serve more than Liturgical services, the Spirit is an energy, energy for fueling community.  And the community is always active.

Calgary's Ukrainian Community hosts seniors clubs, choirs, dancing organizations, language schools, cooking teams, bazaar events, political activist groups, teen clubs, scouts organizations, Christian catechism programs, book clubs, libraries, museums, programs for every age, outreach groups, visitations for the needy, fundraisers for worthy causes, authors, painters, sculptors, weavers, and builders, connections to international groups of similar purpose, the list goes on.  You belong!

And the unifying constant, the signpost that identifies Ukrainians of all stripes, the symbol that says "we were here", "we are here", in my humble opinion is the pyrogy пиріг (also referred to as the varenyk вареник).

Varenyk - pyrih, is a boiled dough wrapped morsel of deliciousness. Comfort food at its best - a reminder of times past, hard times, survival, family and ancestry, loving hands.  The pyrogy/varenyk is an example of remembrance, analysis and problem solving, thoughtfulness and consideration, speed, suppleness and flexibility. The pyrogy is ancestral memory all in one delicious morsel, it is part of a  mystical connection to something bigger than all of us.

Danny Schur of Winnipeg produced this documentary of interest to all Ukrainians in all parts of the Ukrainian community. He wrote, directed, shot, edited, created music and produced this documentary at Winnipeg's Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic church. With Danny's best, here is the link.

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