Tuesday, 26 February 2013

The Road to Ending Violence Against Women

The World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations represents the interests of Ukrainian Women at the United Nations, through its Economic and Social Council and through its subsidiary bodies.  Each year the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women has is a two week session in the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.  International attendees to this session  number in the thousands.  And representatives of all the Ukrainian Women's Organizations worldwide participate too.

I recall sitting as a representative of the Calgary's Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada on the Calgary Local Council of Women.  That was a while ago, just about the time the Natasha's, written by Victor Malarek was gaining attention by the women's community.  Bringing his book to the meeting started a lively discussion, and the book disappeared into the hands of some powerful women who later brought this issue to the attention of  provincial and national bodies of the Council of Women.  It received attention! 

All women can have a similar impact!  It just takes a few very well placed words to bring important issues forward.  It is a small drop in the bucket, however every drop adds up, and eventually becomes a deluge!  That is what women can do together.

Eliminating and Preventing All Forms of Violence Against Women and Girls is the topic of a panel co-hosted by the United Nations Committee on the Family (New York) and The World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations.    I know that Calgary's women stand in solidarity with those suffering from gender-based violence.

This International Women's Day at 2:30 til 4 PM at the Church Center of the United Nations Plaza in the Boss Room ( 8th floor)  - Friday, March 8, 2013 the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations and the UN NGO Committee on the Family( NY) will host

When Will the Violence Against Women and Girls Stop?
Global Solutions

"Mobilizing Outrage: Women Reacting to Public and Private Violence in Ukraine and elsewhere: Comparative Strategies"
Martha Kichorowska Kebalo, PhD
"Strategies to Convince Men in Developing Countries to Stop Sexual Violence"
Mr. Rehman Azhar, LL.M.

Moderator: Dr. Janet Sigal, Co-chair, UN NGO Committee on the Family, NY
American Psychological Association Main Representative to the United Nations,
Co-editor with Florence L. Denmark, Violence against Girls and Women: International Perspectives (In Press)

This non governmental organization parallel event is organized by the World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations (WFUWO) with the United Nations non governmental organization Committee on the Family, NY and co-sponsored by the American Psychological Association; World Organization for Early Childhood Education; Make Mothers Matter International; International Federation for Home Economics; Universal Peace Federation; New Future Foundation, Inc.; Harlem Women International; International Council of Psychologists.

While in Edmonton I heard that a similar meeting would be held there - would one of the readers place the information in the comments box for everyone to share?

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