Monday, 11 March 2013

Ukrainian Dancing Has Come a Long Way!

For a lot of Ukrainian Canadians, the experience of Ukrainian dancing has no equal.  It is an expression of childhood.  Memorable hours of driving to and fro through the prairie winter, to learn to dance, countless trips to the gas bar and coffee stops, certainly crowd the memories of many adults, that's true.  But any activity that is so thoroughly championed by parents, aunties and uncles, grandparents, and the entire community is bound to have meaning for a small child. Learning to have stage presence, poise, artistry, perform in great venues, travel to entertain and be cheered, all while involved in activity that conveys respect and admiration for ancestors of yore - not to mention the great sinew that binds all Ukrainian dancers of all generations and ages - what can compare! 

Some people probably take some of this opportunity for granted, but of course Ukrainian dancing is also work.  At least this is the kind of work that comes of passion, of vocation, of a deeply held dream to change the world.  Years of preparation, years of sweaty clothing, torn slippers, richly rewarded by momentary applause and accolades. And yet it is work. Work that has power and impact.   Such is the life of a Ukrainian dancing teacher.  For the love of Ukrainian dancing!
amk 2012

Today there are Ukrainian dancing schools in most Canadian provinces! And there are very talented, professionally trained teachers bringing more talented youngsters into the embrace of culture, tradition, and dreams. And the best of them have the opportunity to move their part time living into a professional career. 

Congratulations to organizations like Shumka, Cheremosh, Tryzub, and many others across the Canadian steppes for taking Ukrainian Dance to the next level, over and over again! Congratulations for making real careers possible for Ukrainian dancers here in Canada. 

The Ukrainian Shumka Dancers are looking for a full time Principal for the Shumka School of Dance. A two year contract position at the Shumka Studios in Edmonton, Alberta is a dream job. Providing artistic, managerial, instructional, budgeting and administrative services, this is a really important arts position. Excellence in dance, thorough understanding of Ukrainian dance, music, culture and folklore, while thoroughly capable of leadership in both the craft of dance and its business in today's marketplace, this is a job for an innovative and strategic leader.

For more information check the website at

But more than that, remember to say a quiet thanks for the persons who put your first dance slippers on! Good job!

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