Sunday, 19 May 2013

Calgary's Ukrainian Festival - June 1-2, 2013

June 1-2, 2013 is almost here! Calgary's Fourth Ukrainian Festival is upon us!   It's becoming a magnet event with representation from across Canada and beyond!  Performers, vendors, guests - and a terrific opportunity to bump into long lost friends!!

With so many award winning Ukrainian dance schools and other performers on stage, it is a constant riot of activity - the kids love having an audience and of course - culture and tradition get loads of applause!  Come for the culture, the traditions, the excitement of community! 

Browsing the vendors guarantees you gifts and trinkets, but even moreso, a new vocabulary of ethnic gift giving.  After all, helping your children appreciate their roots, their heritage, is such an important part of their future too!

Calgary is genuinely fascinated with its roots.  From the mythology involving cowboy hat and spurs, to the reason why grandad was a farm hand way back in the early 1900's Calgarians want to know how our wonderful city came to be.  After the 100th anniversary of the Calgary Stampede last year, we all see the value of connecting and creating, being a part of something that is bigger than ourselves alone! Coming to the Festival is just another way of "people watching", and appreciating their values, their interests, and their dreams!  We have a lot of "cultural capital" right here among community! 

You can enjoy the shows, meet esteemed and rising artists, performers whose talents may astound you, and possibly win a prize or two from the interesting sales booths that bring Ukrainian culture and the Ukrainian idea to eager purchasers.  Campaigning for heritage languages, folk culture, and public acknowledgement of the Ukrainian idea among Calgarians is simply a rite of Canadian passage. 

Wear your Ukrainian clothing!  Get the kids involved in the events!  Come for the shows and a meal!  Bring your camera, your cash and a good pair of walking shoes!  Enjoy the booths, comment on their wares and ask them to bring the stuff you need next time through, create a vibe with your family, friends and neighbors!  The Calgary Ukrainian Festival - version 4 - is bound to be a memorable event - will we see you there?? 

Don't forget the zabava, too!  Do  Zustichi!
Fourth Annual Calgary Ukrainian Festival!
Acadia Recreation Complex, 240 90 Avenue SE


1 comment:

  1. Check it out!

    The interview with Jordan Biss about the Calgary Ukrainian Festival with Roman Brytan is on the main page of the World FM website.


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