Saturday, 30 June 2012

Adult Ukrainian Language Classes

How fortunate I have been to have the ability to speak in Ukrainian!  I am one of those Ukrainian Canadians with several generations of family born on Canadian soil, yet my family was able, because of great community programs, to ensure that I could speak well in Ukrainian.  I have to admit, my language is not contemporary Kievan, however most people from Ukraine know Canadian Ukrainians are doing a good job when they try to speak.  It has been a priority for my family.  It has also been important for my children, both of whom speak well.  Thank heavens for Sadohock, Ukrainian School, at both Assumption and St. Vladimir's (ridna shkola) and Plast Ukrainian Scouts in Calgary!

Having said that, I know that many families have not been so blessed with opportunities for themselves and their children.  Thank heavens the mind continues to be flexible, eager for new challenges, no matter what age a person may be!  That is why it is so fortunate for Calgarians that St. Stephen's Ukrainian Catholic Church is offering these language classes for adults and young people this coming year. 

If you need basics, if you need conversational language, if you are growing your confidence, this is the program for you! 

Other similar Ukrainian language programs have been offered in Calgary before.  Several years ago the UWAC at St. Vladimir's Ukrainian Orthodox Church had Adult Ukrainian classes.  Also, did you know that in Edmonton, St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the UWAC there has sponsored Ukrainian language learning for adults for many, many years!!  I understand that there were 40 students registered last year, in several classes!  With folk singing, discussions about interesting historical artifacts, and the opportunity to build community using Ukrainian language, it has been, and continues to provide great instruction for all their students.

So, Calgarians, your time is now!  I hope you take the opportunity to improve your Ukrainian language - our Ukrainian educational leaders at St. Stephen's can help!!

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