Thursday, 28 June 2012

Calgary's Annual Canada Day/Dominion Day at Heritage Park - July 1, 2012
A lady I know has recently been awarded the Order of Canada.  She now has the honor and privilege to preside over the Citizenship ceremonies welcoming new Canadian citizens from widely different homelands.  Mrs. Orysia Sushko (editor of the Ukrainian Women's Association of Canada newspaper "Promin"), as Presiding Official spoke about the importance of active citizenship, responsibilities and obligations which new Canadians accept with the privilege of citizenship.  Administering the oath, she spoke about the equality of men and women, our shared traditions and values, obeying the laws, and protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment.  Welcoming new citizens in the name of Her Majesty, the Queen, she concluded her comments saying "From this day forward, our history is now your history.  Our laws are your laws.  Our identity is your identity.  Our responsibility to be a good and faithful citizen, loyal to Canada, is now your responsibility.  The future of Canada, our freedom, our democracy, our peaceful society, equality under the law, our properity - the future of all these things now depend on you.  As a great Canadian soldier poet, Dr. John McCrea wrote, "To you we throw the torch; Be yours to hold it high".  Be a proud Canadian - honour and respect the rights you have received at today's citizenship ceremony." (Promin - June-July 2012)

What heartwarming and positive words, from our newest Ukrainian Canadian recipient of the Order of Canada.  Congratulations Orysia and to all the most recent inductees.

Calgary will celebrate our Canada Day/Dominion Day with a great roster of performers at Celebration Field Stage in Heritage Park!  Make sure you come to enjoy the company of guests, recent Canadians, and the representatives of our First Nations, Canadians celebrating Canadian culture from coast to coast, our cultural inheritance, all at Heritage Park Historical Village this weekend!
With over 120 years of Ukrainian-Canadian-ness to celebrate - The Tryzub Ukrainian Dance Ensemble and Junior Tryzub will be performing as part of Heritage Park's Dominion Day (Canada Day) Celebrations. Tryzub will be performing on the Celebration Field Stage at 3:00pm. 
For more information, please see:

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