I have been marvelling at the tremendous activity in the Ukrainian community lately! Perhaps it is because I am paying attention, but it is obvious that so many people are sharing the gifts of their time, talents and treasure within the Ukrainian community - and it shows!
Recently, while preparing to blog, I read the
Ukie news, heard a
radio clip about international relations between
Ukraine and the EU, heard about the
Ukrainian World Congress and their meeting about Ukraine and the EU. Then got an email from the
Ukrainian women's organization about their convention. Picked up the local newspaper to see a review of
Calgary's Ukrainian Festival. Then I had to go to work. Someone mentioned the
CPO Ukrainian program. At work, preselected some children's reading books, and found 5 really beautiful
English publications on Ukrainian themes. Returned home for a Skype meeting with one board executive. Picked up my email for an invite to another supper meeting in the local Ukrainian community. Set out for a rehearsal of
Ukrainian choral music (program being sponsored by another Ukrainian organization). Returned early to leave the car for husband who volunteered for a
Ukrainian organization's casino-fundraiser. Whew! Normal day? Am I just noticing now?
I marvel at the
good will, efficiency and passion in the Ukrainian community, because all the little decisions add up!! Even if the organizations spend half of their time on social gatherings, the tremendous contributions simply have to number in the
thousands and thousands of hours of volunteer service!
I have heard the terms "mangers" and "leaders" and organizations really do thrive when they have both types of contributors. But there must be a
colossal team of Hetman quality leaders doing all the right things influencing goals, meetings, agendas, doing the preparation, the documentation, the scheduling, the minutes, the action items, the follow-up and - of course working efficiently, enjoying a happy communal feeling of belonging, and achieving great results.
Of course there are Ukrainian organizations that flounder indecisively, discuss, update, review, inform, report, present, check, dialogue, evaluate, connect, think, consider, educate, as well. But I sense that busy people are too efficient to waste time, and the calculation of time expenditure is precious. Effective people waste less time, decide and commit, and effect greater change.
My grandmother used to say "you have written yourself into the family book", when someone married into the family. I sense there is a powerful feeling of kinship among the people who give so passionately to the Ukrainian community too.
And congratulations to these amazing HETMAN quality leaders - (youth)
Adrian Warchola, Oksana Iwaszko,
(Calgarian) Danylo Moussienko, (adult) Ivanna Szewczuk, Jason Golinowski,
(Calgarian) Uliana (Elaine) Holowach-Amiot, (senior) William Dymianiw,
Larry and Donna Sendziak, Ron Zapisocki, Nettie Kowal, (posthumous) Olga Alexandruk, and UCC-APC Exec. Steven Chwok to be honoured
this October 6, 2013 at the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (Alberta Provincial Council) Annual HETMAN AWARDS in Edmonton. You, indeed, have written yourself into the ancestral legacy of Ukraine and her children in the international diaspora - especially here in CANADA! A humble thank-you and BRAVO!