Monday 18 February 2013

Calgary Bandura Lessons

How very exciting that Calgary has become and economic magnet, attracting talented people from around the globe! With new immigration from Ukraine there are now very interesting opportunities - for Calgary and for the new arrivals.

One such new opportunity has arrived in the person of Iryna (Melnyk)  Kalinovich, a person of musical talent and professional bandura training. If you were at Calgary's Ukrainian Christmas Carol Festival in December 2012, you may have enjoyed her lovely performance of "Sleep Little Baby Jesus" a favorite lullaby in the Ukrainian Christmas music tradition. If not, enjoy it here at

A contemporary of Iryna has already set up her heritage school of bandura in California - can you imagine if Calgary could have something similar?  Take a look at

Currently living in Cochrane, Alberta with her husband Robert, the newly transplanted banduristka will be happy to work with both adult and children bandura amateurs, beginners and experienced. Weekend and evening lessons are available, just call Iryna at 403-926-4425.

Приватні уроки бандури з професійним викладачем. Рада працювати як з дорослими і дітьми, початківцями, так і досвідченими. Вечорами та у вихідні дні уроки доступні в Cochrane.

Call or text Iryna at: 403-926-4425

For more about the National Instrument of Ukraine you can watch another  master of bandura from Kyiv at

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